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Peace on Earth.

Every year at Christmas, millions, perhaps billions of people around the world read the Christmas story from the Bible to commemorate the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. One of my favorite parts of this story has always been when the host of angels appear to the shepherds to sing of peace on earth and good will toward men. To me, this is the essence of Christmas. The sentiment of "peace on earth" has become a signature wish of the holiday season. Many find this time of year opportune for evaluating their own lives and determining ways they themselves can contribute to "peace on earth." May I suggest that this pursuit need not be some grandiose act of charity? It could be as simple as looking after your friends and loved ones.

Have you noticed someone close to you struggling with a personal or family challenge? An addiction? Depression or anxiety? Many people around us may be silently struggling. We all have our burdens to bare. We have all experienced tough times that seem to compromise our personal peace - and what is peace on earth if not the sum of the personal peace of individuals? Perhaps the simplest way to contribute to peace on earth is to love those around you, live with a heightened sense of awareness and help lift burdens when you can. If you discover a loved one who is struggling with a challenge that seems too overwhelming or complex to cope with alone, help them find help, and help them find peace. You can spread peace on earth this Christmas season by helping to restore personal peace in the life of a friend or family member in need.